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Drools : stop a rule from firing after a number of executions

I'm trying to figured out how to stop a rule from firing after a number of executions. Let's say you grant a discount if you buy an item X (current price $10), but this discount can be granted only 2 times per customer.

so my rule is as follow:

 rule "Fixed Price Promotion Item X"

     $o : Order( )
     $ol1 : OrderLine( item.code == "X" )
    FixedPrice fixedPrice = new FixedPrice(8.80, $ol1.getItem().getPrice().doubleValue(), $ol1.getItem().getBarcode(), 1, "e78fbca5ed014f49806ad667aea80965" , "Happy Mother's day!! This is a fixed price promotion" );
    insertLogical (fixedPrice); //here I grant a promotion

Originally, I thought to have another rule to insert a fact when my condition was met so It would stop my promotion rule from firing.

I would have something like this:

declare LimitReachedOut
   promotionId : String

rule "stop Promotion"
     Number($numOfGrantedProm : intValue) from accumulate ( 
                                FixedPrice(promotionId == "123",
                                        $count: quantity),
    if( $numOfGrantedProm == 2  ){ //this cause an issue, even > 1 or >=2 will keep inserting new LimitReachedOut("123") recursively.
        insertLogical (new LimitReachedOut("123"));

rule "Fixed Price Promotion Item X"
     not( LimitReachedOut( promotionId == "123" ) )
     $o : Order( )
     $ol1 : OrderLine( item.code == "X" ) 
    FixedPrice fixedPrice = new FixedPrice(8.80, $ol1.getItem().getPrice().doubleValue(), $ol1.getItem().getBarcode(), 1, "123" , "Happy Mother's day!! This is a fixed price promotion" );
    insertLogical (fixedPrice);


Is there another way to do it?

I will really appreciate your comments.


  • I've found a way to accomplish what I wanted, and I'm posting it in here just if someone wants to use this as well. I'm basically not executing the RHS of the rule putting a conditional clause there.

    Firstly, I'm calculating the number of Facts that were inserted into the working memory ( FixedPrice with an id called ruleId to link the facts to this particular rule ) using the accumulate function. Secondly, the condition in the RHS if( $numOfGrantedProm < 2 ) means that I will execute the block inside of the conditional if (create & insert fixedPrice fact) up to two times. The rule will be fired anyway but the if condition will avoid executing the block of code.

    rule "Fixed Price Promotion Item X"
       $o : Order( )
       $ol1 : OrderLine( item.code == "X" )
       Number($numOfGrantedProm : intValue) from accumulate ( 
                                               FixedPrice(ruleId == 
       if( $numOfGrantedProm < 2  ){ 
           FixedPrice fixedPrice = new FixedPrice(8.80,
                                       "e78fbca5ed014f49806ad667aea80965" , 
                                       "Happy Mother's day!! This is a fixed price 
                                        promotion" );
           insertLogical (fixedPrice); //here I grant a promotion enter code here