I am using Woocommerce latest version 3.4.2. Plugin: "WC Fields Factory" or "Woocommerce Custom Product Addons". How to do a value check in a meta data? I read the official documentation for a long time and could not find a solution.
Example: I have custom values in the array. And I want to make a check - if there is a value of "sugar", then...
Meta $key
- 'Optionally select'
$custom_meta = $item->get_meta('Optionally select'); // Show all value
foreach( $order->get_items() as $item_id => $item){
$skus[] = $product->get_sku();
// Here need add check and formate meta value
I want to achieve this:
$skus[] =
//if $custom_meta
have value 'sugar', I give cusom value for $skus[] = '50000'
As the order item metadata value is a comma separated string, you can use strpos()
this way:
$ops = $item->get_meta('Optionally select');
if( strpos( $ops, 'Sugar' ) !== false ) $skus[] = '50000';