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Summernote styling not working

I did a fiddle to expose the same problem I have on my desktop.

In summernote editor, applying font size and font family works, but I am unable to set font to bold, italic, strikethrough, superscript ...

My fiddle :

Thanks for help

  minHeight: 200,
  placeholder: 'Write here ...',
  focus: false,
  airMode: false,
  fontNames: ['Roboto', 'Calibri', 'Times New Roman', 'Arial'],
  fontNamesIgnoreCheck: ['Roboto', 'Calibri'],
  dialogsInBody: true,
  dialogsFade: true,
  disableDragAndDrop: false,
  toolbar: [
    // [groupName, [list of button]]
    ['para', ['style', 'ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']],
    ['fontsize', ['fontsize']],
    ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']],
    ['font', ['strikethrough', 'superscript', 'subscript']],
    ['height', ['height']],
    ['misc', ['undo', 'redo', 'print', 'help', 'fullscreen']]
  popover: {
    air: [
      ['color', ['color']],
      ['font', ['bold', 'underline', 'clear']]
  print: {
    //'stylesheetUrl': 'url_of_stylesheet_for_printing'

Same happens if I reset my code and use the one from the official demo


  • Just added the following files as per the documentation ( Please check.

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src=""></script>