I have incoming data that has order lines, orders may have more than one line. I need to parse this and turn it into a single object with a sub array of the lines.
So what I am doing is looping through the order lines, on the first occurrence of an "order ID" I create and object, then on the each loop through the data I check if I that "order ID" exists, if it does then I want to add the data to the sub array. Because I can't be sure that the order ID might not be repeated in another field (it's just an int) I have created a unique identifier to match.
foreach ($orderList as $result) {
// create the unique identifier
$system_check = md5($result['order_id'] . $result['email']);
// create a sting to search in, "in_array" not working
$str = json_encode($parsedOrders);
// Check if this is this order is already in the parsedOrder onject
if (strpos($str, $system_check) !== false) {
// debug logging
$this->ICLogger("info", "parsed order line:", json_encode($parsedOrders[$result['order_id']]['lines']));
// trying to array_push the data into the "lines" section
$parsedOrders[$result['order_id']]['lines'][] = array(
'id' => $result['line_id'],
'product_id' => $result['product_id'],
'product_variant_id' => $result['product_variant_id'],
'quantity' => $result['quantity'],
'price' => $result['price']
} else {
// Create the order "header" and "lines" data
$parsedOrders[$result['order_id']] = array
'id' => $result['order_id'],
'search_term' => $system_check,
'customer' => array(
'id' => $result['customer_id'],
'email_address' => $result['email'],
'opt_in_status' => ((int)$result['newsletter'] === 1)
'fulfillment_status' => (!empty($order['fulfillment_status']) ? $order['fulfillment_status'] : ''),
'financial_status' => (!empty($order['financial_status']) ? $order['financial_status'] : ''),
'landing_site' => (!empty($order['landing_site']) ? $order['landing_site'] : ''),
'currency_code' => $result['currency_code'],
'order_total' => $result['order_total'],
'tax_total' => $result['tax_total'],
'storeid' => $result['storeid'], // temp storage of store ID
'lines' => array(array(
'id' => $result['line_id'],
'product_id' => $result['product_id'],
'product_variant_id' => $result['product_variant_id'],
'quantity' => (int)$result['quantity'],
'price' => $result['price']
When I do this, the data is just added to the end of the array, not inside the object that I am trying to add to:
JSON encoded output:
How do I get the "lines" to append to the "lines" array and not just to the end of the object?
Many thanks...
you are almost there you have just gotten confused about your brackets i would suggest simplifying it to something more like
$parsedOrders = [];
foreach ($orderList as $result) {
//grab the existing order
$order = $parsedOrders[$result['order_id']];
//if order doesn't exist create
$order = [
'id' => $result['order_id'],
'search_term' => $system_check,
'customer' => [
'id' => $result['customer_id'],
'email_address' => $result['email'],
'opt_in_status' => ((int)$result['newsletter'] === 1)
'fulfillment_status' => (!empty($order['fulfillment_status']) ? $order['fulfillment_status'] : ''),
'financial_status' => (!empty($order['financial_status']) ? $order['financial_status'] : ''),
'landing_site' => (!empty($order['landing_site']) ? $order['landing_site'] : ''),
'currency_code' => $result['currency_code'],
'order_total' => $result['order_total'],
'tax_total' => $result['tax_total'],
'storeid' => $result['storeid'], // temp storage of store ID
'lines' => []
$order['lines'][$result['line_id']] = [
'id' => $result['line_id'],
'product_id' => $result['product_id'],
'product_variant_id' => $result['product_variant_id'],
'quantity' => (int)$result['quantity'],
'price' => $result['price']
$parsedOrders[$result['order_id']] = $order;