TYPO3 v8.7.15, News 7.0.4 and rx_shariff 11.0.2
I've enabled three services that can be used to share my news detail pages (FB, Twitter & Mail).
This is my partial(Shariff.html):
<html xmlns:rx="http://typo3.org/ns/Reelworx/RxShariff/ViewHelper">
<rx:shariff data="{url: 'http://example.com/'}" services="facebook,twitter,mail" enableBackend="true" />
Both the FB and Twitter share buttons work fine, however when I test the Mail button I'm sent to
I've checked the documentation for both News and rx_shariff but can't see anything obvious.
Any help would be appreciated.
Try this :
<rx:shariff data="{url: url, title: newsTitle, mail-subject: 'Your mail subject', mail-body: 'The mail body', mail-url: 'mailto:{settings.shariff.mailto}'}" services="facebook,twitter,googleplus,mail" enableBackend="true" />