I am writing a script to build a CSV file to import to our LMS. One of the script's function does an ldapsearch for the user's guid. The command looks as such:
ldapsearch -x -h ldap.example.com -b ou=person,dc=example,dc=com user=username
On its own the command works fine. However, in the function as part of while loop it fails. When I set xtrace
in bash I see the command is outputted with the following:
ldapsearch -x -h ldap.example.com -b ou=person,dc=example,dc=com $'user=username\r'
After hours of searching it seems that the $' \r'
are known as ANSI C quotes, which I do not have a lot of experience with. The question is, why is the argument getting wrapped with these quotes in the first place? and second, how to I escape them?
Now, here is the kicker, this script has 3 functions which are run depending on the script's argument. User function
, Enrollment function
and Course function
(no complete yet). The issue is only happening in the Enrollment function
, however in User function
, the same loop is working 100% no issues, and the code is line per line identical, so what gives?
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, even more if it is before I pull whats left of my hair out.
Below are the variables and affected function code:
The affected line is:
found=$(${ldap_cmd}=${course_instructor} | grep numEntries: | awk -F: '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//')
This line tests to see if the user exists in LDAP or not.
# Set Global variables here
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
export ldap_host="ldap.example.com"
export ldap_base="ou=person,dc=example,dc=com"
export ldap_cmd="ldapsearch -x -h ${ldap_host} -b ${ldap_base} user"
export script_name=$(basename "$0"| cut -d. -f1)
export script_pid=$(pgrep "${script_name}")
export admin_id=$(whoami)
export admin_mail=$(${ldap_cmd}="${admin_id}" | grep mail: | awk -F: '{print $NF}' | tail -1 | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//')
export admin_name=$(${ldap_cmd}="${admin_id}" | grep givenName: | awk -F: '{print $NF}' | tail -1 | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//')
export admin_fname=$(${ldap_cmd}="${admin_id}" | grep cn: | awk -F: '{print $NF}' | tail -1 | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//')
function enrollment_feed () {
# Fountion specific variables
# enrollment_feed ${input_option} ${term_option} ${input_file}
export input_count=$(wc -l "${input_file}" | awk '{print $1}')
export enrollment_file="$(pwd)/erollments.csv"
export error_file="$(pwd)/error.csv"
# Create the output files enrollment and error
echo "course_id,root_account,user_id,role,role_id,section_id,status,associated_user_id,limit_section_privileges" > "${enrollment_file}"
echo "error" > "${error_file}"
# main script while loop
printf "\n========================================="
printf "\n= Canvas SIS Import Builder Tool ="
printf "\n= Enrollment Feed ="
printf "\n========================================="
printf "\n${inf_msg} Preparing to run script ${orange}${script_name}${no_color}"
sleep 0.5
printf "\n${inf_msg} The script process ID is ${orange}${script_pid}${no_color}"
sleep 0.5
printf "\n${inf_msg} The script in run by: ${orange}${admin_fname}${no_color}"
sleep 0.5
printf "\n${inf_msg} The script will start running now"
printf "\n========================================="
printf "\n= Started $(date) ="
printf "\n========================================="
printf "\n"
sleep 0.5
while IFS="," read -r course_title course_number course_section course_instructor; do
if ! [[ "${course_number}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
printf "\r${war_msg} header or blank line detected"
tput el
sleep 0.5
printf "\r${war_msg} Skipping line.."
tput el
sleep 0.5
printf "\r"
tput el
sleep 0.5
printf "\r${bang_mark} Line Skipped.\n"
printf "\r${inf_msg} Start processing ${orange}${input_term}-${course_number}-${course_section}${no_color}..."
tput el
sleep 0.5
printf "\r${inf_msg} Searching directory services for the user record matching AndrewID ${orange}${course_instructor}${no_color}"
tput el
sleep 0.5
found=$(${ldap_cmd}=${course_instructor} | grep numEntries: | awk -F: '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//')
if [[ "${found}" = "1" ]]; then
printf "\r${inf_msg} A user record was found in directory services matching AndrewID ${orange}${course_instructor}${no_color}"
tput el
sleep 0.5
printf "\r${inf_msg} Collecting all required fields from directory services matching AndrewID ${orange}${course_instructor}${no_color}"
tput el
sleep 0.5
printf "\r${inf_msg} Constructing information for ${orange}${input_term}-${course_number}-${course_section}${no_color}"
tput el
sleep 0.5
user_id=$(${ldap_cmd}="${course_instructor}" | grep guid: | awk -F: '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//')
printf "\r${inf_msg} Exporting all required fields for course ${orange}${input_term}-${course_number}-${course_section}${no_color} to the enrollments csv file"
tput el
sleep 0.5
echo ${course_id},${root_account},${user_id},${role},${role_id},${section_id},${status},${associated_user_id},${limit_section_privileges} >> "${enrollment_file}"
printf "\r${inf_msg} All required fields for course ${orange}${input_term}-${course_number}-${course_section}${no_color} have now been exported to the enrollment csv file"
tput el
sleep 0.5
printf "\r"
tput el
sleep 0.5
printf "\r${check_mark} Couse/section ${orange}${input_term}-${course_number}-${course_section}${no_color} Done.\n"
printf "\r${war_msg} The was no user record matching AndrewID ${blue}${course_instructor}${no_color} in directory services"
tput el
sleep 0.5
printf "\r${war_msg} Roprting this in error csv"
tput el
sleep 0.5
printf "\r"
tput el
sleep 0.5
printf "\r${cross_mark} Instructor for course ${red}${input_term}-${course_number}-${course_section}${no_color} not found.\n"
echo "${input_term}-${course_number}-${course_section}" >> "${error_file}"
done < "${input_file}"
printf "\n========================================="
printf "\n= Finished $(date) ="
printf "\n========================================="
printf "\n"
sleep 0.5
# send files in email to admin
printf "\n${inf_msg} Sending email with csv files attached to ${orange}${admin_mail}${no_color}"
sleep 0.5
msg_body="Dear ${admin_name},\n\nPlease find attached the following two files:\n\n - enrollments.csv: (This file contains all the Instructor information needed for and enrollments SIS import in Canvas)\n - error.csv: (This file contains course id for course with no valid instrcutor id)\n\nPlease use these files responsibly and in line with CMU privcy guidelines.\n\nBest regards,\nCanvas Admin\n\n\nThe script "${script_name}" was run by ${admin_id} from ${computer_name} at $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T%Z")"
printf "${msg_body}" | mailx -s "Enrollments list as of $(date)" -a "${user_file}" -a "${email_file}" -a "${error_file}" "${admin_mail}"
printf "\n${inf_msg} Email has been sent, please check your mailbox"
sleep 0.5
printf "\n${inf_msg} The script has now finished processing all ${input_count} records"
sleep 0.5
printf "\n${inf_msg} Deleting the temp csv files"
rm -rf "${enrollment_file}"
sleep 0.5
rm -rf "${error_file}"
sleep 0.5
printf "\n${inf_msg} The script ran for ${orange}$(ps -p "${script_pid}" -o etime | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')${no_color}"
sleep 0.5
printf "\n${inf_msg} The script is now exiting"
sleep 0.5
printf "\n"
printf "\n========================================="
printf "\n= Good Bye! ="
printf "\n========================================="
printf "\n"
exit 0
The problem apparently comes from this line
while IFS="," read -r course_title course_number course_section course_instructor ; do
where you can see that course_instructor
is read from the end of the line - and when read from a 'wrong' terminal which sends \r
as part of the newline, the \r
ends up in the variable. The $'something\r'
notation is only a way how to include special characters in a bash command line.
(guessing) The other functions which work well for you probably don't use the last variable (which includes \r
) in a place where it fails immediately.
The quick fix is a) use better terminal for data entry, b) get rid of the \r
by eg <<<"$var" tr -d '\r'