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TYPO3: tx_news get sys_category sys_categories for custom title in BE list

I extended tx_news to hold a number of courses. there are courses that treat the same subject matter for different arguments (which I select as sys_categories). This means that their title is identical, now I'm trying to make the list better for the editor by including the selected category in the list...

Imply a custom title in Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tx_news_domain_model_news.php:

$GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_news_domain_model_news']['ctrl']['label_userFunc'] = 'Vendor\\NewsExt\\Userfuncs\\Tca->customTitle';

The userfunction so far Classes/Userfuncs/Tca.php:

namespace Vendor\NewsExt\Userfuncs;

use GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\News;

 * Class Tca
class Tca
     * Loads a custom title for the news list view
     * @return void
    public function customTitle(
        $record = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getRecord($parameters['table'], $parameters['row']['uid']);
        $newTitle = $record['title'];
            $newTitle .= ' (' . $record['categories'] . ')' ;
        $parameters['title'] = $newTitle;

which obviously gives the number of selected categories ... I did not include any of my attempts because they lead to nothing ...


  • You can make an mm query to resolve the assigned category title:

      namespace Vendor\NewsExt\Userfuncs;
      use GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\News;
       * Class Tca
      class Tca
         * Loads a custom title for the news list view
         * @return void
        public function customTitle(&$parameters, $parentObject)
          # fetch all categories assigned to this news
          $result = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_mm_query(
            'sys_category.uid, sys_category.title',
            'AND sys_category_record_mm.tablenames = "' . $parameters['table'] . '" ' .
            'AND sys_category_record_mm.fieldname = "categories" ' .
            'AND sys_category_record_mm.uid_foreign = ' . $parameters['row']['uid']
          # walk the categories an get the title of them
          $categoriesLabels = [];
          foreach ($result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC) as $category) {
            $categoriesLabels[] = $category['title'];
          # if at least one category put them into the title
          if (!empty(array_filter($categoriesLabels))) {
            $record = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getRecord($parameters['table'], $parameters['row']['uid']);
            $parameters['title'] = $record['title'] . ' ('. implode(', ', $categoriesLabels) .')';

    Note: This code is was tested in TYPO3 8.7.12