I do not speak English well.
We apologize if you do not understand the question.
LinearLayout _Main_Contact_Layout;
FrameLayout _Main_Frame;
ImageView _Main_Background;
private List<string> _DrawerList_Item;
private ListView _DrawerList;
float _X, _Y;
float _XX, _YY;
int offset = 0, duration = 100;
float scaleX = 1.0f, scaleY = 1.0f;
float maxZoomLimit = 2.6f, minZoomLimit = 1.0f;
public bool OnTouch(View v, MotionEvent e)
switch (e.Action)
case MotionEventActions.Down:
_X = e.GetX();
_Y = e.GetY();
float _Start_X = 760, _Start_Y = 160;
float _End_X = 1150, _End_Y = 490;
WindowManagerLayoutParams _Params = new WindowManagerLayoutParams();
_Params.X = (int)e.RawX;
_Params.Y = (int)e.RawY;
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)this.GetSystemService(Context.LayoutInflaterService);
View _Popup = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.Custom_Popup, null);
PopupWindow _Window = new PopupWindow(_Popup, WindowManagerLayoutParams.WrapContent, WindowManagerLayoutParams.WrapContent);
_Window.SetBackgroundDrawable(new BitmapDrawable());
_Window.OutsideTouchable = true;
TextView _SetupX = (TextView)_Popup.FindViewById(Resource.Id.x_text);
TextView _SetupY = (TextView)_Popup.FindViewById(Resource.Id.y_text);
_SetupX.Text = "X 좌표 : " + _X.ToString("#.##");
_SetupY.Text = "Y 좌표 : " + _Y.ToString("#.##");
DrawerLayout _lstDrawer = (DrawerLayout)v.FindViewById(Resource.Id._DrawerLayout);
if(_Start_X > _X | _Start_Y > _Y | _End_X < _X | _End_Y < _Y )
_Window.Focusable = true;
_Window.ShowAsDropDown(_Popup, _Params.X, _Params.Y);
_Window.ShowAtLocation(_Popup, GravityFlags.Left | GravityFlags.Top, 0, 0);
else if (_Start_X < _X & _Start_Y < _Y & _End_X > _X & _End_Y > _Y & !_lstDrawer.IsDrawerOpen((int)GravityFlags.Left))
_Window.ShowAsDropDown(_Popup, _Params.X, _Params.Y);
_Window.ShowAtLocation(_Popup, GravityFlags.Left | GravityFlags.Top, 0, 0);
else if (_lstDrawer.IsDrawerOpen((int)GravityFlags.Left))
case MotionEventActions.Move:
_XX = e.GetX() - _X;
_YY = e.GetY() - _Y;
//_Main_Background.SetX(_Main_Background.GetX() + _XX);
//_Main_Background.SetY(_Main_Background.GetY() + _YY);
_X = e.GetX();
_Y = e.GetY();
if (scaleX > 1.0f && scaleY > 1.0f)
Console.WriteLine("_XX : " + _XX.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("_YY : " + _YY.ToString());
return true;
private void _MoveToX(float xX)
float futureX = _Main_Background.GetX() + _XX;
if (futureX > 0 | futureX < 500)
private void _MoveToY(float yY)
float futureY = _Main_Background.GetY() + _YY;
if (futureY > 0 | futureY < 500)
private void _Zoom_In(View v)
if (scaleX < maxZoomLimit && scaleY < maxZoomLimit)
Animation animation = new ScaleAnimation(scaleX, (scaleX + 0.2f), scaleY, (scaleY + 0.2f), _X, _Y);
scaleX += 0.2f;
scaleY += 0.2f;
animation.Interpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator();
animation.Duration = duration;
animation.StartOffset = offset;
animation.FillAfter = true;
private void _Zoom_Out(View v)
if (scaleX > minZoomLimit && scaleY > minZoomLimit)
Animation animation = new ScaleAnimation(scaleX, (scaleX - 0.2f), scaleY, (scaleY - 0.2f), _X, _Y);
scaleY -= 0.2f;
scaleX -= 0.2f;
animation.Interpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator();
animation.Duration = duration;
animation.StartOffset = offset;
animation.FillAfter = true;
I am worried about this for about a week.
How do I keep from leaving the screen?
Adjusting the scale? How do I touch the scale?
Zoom in and Zoom out using the Button -> resolution
Moving images with Zoom in using Button -> resolution
If you move it after Zoom in, start with moving the image to a strange place. -> resolution
Layout out of range -> resolution
Move only within layout range (Unresolved)
Modify the if
condition in your _MoveTo
method. The x
, y
is the coordinate of the top left corner of your view. Calculate the width and height of the imageview
, make sure the x
and y
value is smaller than 0 and not smaller than the value of screenwidth minus the imageview width.
For example:
private void _MoveToX(float xX)
float futureX = _Main_Background.GetX() + xX;
if (futureX <=0 && futureX >=YourScreenWidth -(_Main_Background.Width * scaleX))
Console.WriteLine("futureY : " + (_Main_Background.Height * scaleX).ToString());
Console.WriteLine("futureX : " + futureX.ToString());
private void _MoveToY(float yY)
float futureY = _Main_Background.GetY() + yY;
if (futureY <= 0 && futureY >=YourScreenHeight- (_Main_Background.Height * scaleY))
Console.WriteLine("futureY : " + (_Main_Background.Height * scaleY).ToString());
Console.WriteLine("futureY : " + futureY.ToString());