Search code examples

Remove the last charater from string which is generated in loop

Believe me, I have tried everything that is there in stack overflow!

So, I got this JSON -

    "itempicture": [
            "status": "3"
            "ItemCode": "001",
            "ItemImage": "image1",
            "ItemCategory": "shirt",
            "ShowOnPOS": "Yes",
            "LastModifiedOn": "2018-06-02 11:53:57"
            "ItemCode": "002",
            "ItemImage": "image2",
            "ItemCategory": "shirt",
            "ShowOnPOS": "Yes",
            "LastModifiedOn": "2018-06-02 11:53:57"

and i am accessing it like this -

$jo = json_decode($j);
for($i = 1; $i < count($jo->itempicture); $i++) {
    foreach($jo->itempicture[$i] as $prop=>$val) {
        echo $val.",";
    echo '<br>';

and I'm getting this output -

001,image1,shirt,Yes,2018-06-02 11:53:57,
002,image2,shirt,Yes,2018-06-02 11:53:57,

The main prob with this output is the "," at the last. I am unable to remove it!

Tried everything - This - Remove the last character from string

with substr, rtrim, implode... EVERYTHING!

It's not working!


  • Here is the solution

        "LastModifiedOn":"2018-06-02 11:53:57"
        "LastModifiedOn":"2018-06-02 11:53:57"
    $edata = '';
        $data = '';
        foreach($jo->itempicture[$i] as $prop=>$val){
            $data .= $val.",";
        $edata .= rtrim($data, ",");
        $edata .='<br/>';
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";