I have 2 cells in Range B:B, which I wish to apply countif
formula to via VBA in Excel.
I have tried
MsgBox (WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("B:B"), "27/09/2017"))
This returns 0
MsgBox (WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("B:B"), CDate("27/09/2017")))
This returns 1
I am trying to figure out how I can get the macro to return both date values, via
MsgBox (WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("B:B"), "<=" & CDate("13/06/2018")))
However this returns 0
This seems to indicate that I do not quite understand how to filter dates in countif via strings. Would it be possible to share a alternative?
I hope to implement a text input box where the user can input a date string which then applies the countif
You need to convert the date into a double first to compare the actual value of the date independent from the format.
"<=" & CDbl(CDate("13/06/2018"))
Why is this?
If you concatenate a string
with a date
like in "<=" & CDate("13/06/2018")
the date
is converted into a string
and the result is "<=13/06/2018"
(here the date is a string not a value).
If you convert the date
into a double
the result is 43264
which is the serial number that represents the date.
Dates in Excel are stored as serial numbers counting from 1900-01-01
so 2018-06-13
is day 43264
since 1900-01-01
So with "<=" & CDbl(CDate("13/06/2018"))
you actually compare the cell value to "<=43264"
. So you compare to a value and not a text. This works because if a cell is formatted as date
Excel actually stores the serial value but shows the formatted string for user compatibility.
If you want to compare dates always compare their values not their strings.
Also see: How to use dates and times in Excel.