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Multiclass Classification with LightGBM

I am trying to model a classifier for a multi-class Classification problem (3 Classes) using LightGBM in Python. I used the following parameters.

params = {'task': 'train',
    'boosting_type': 'gbdt',
    'objective': 'multiclass',
    'metric': 'multi_logloss',
    'learning_rate': 0.002296,
    'max_depth': 7,
    'num_leaves': 17,
    'feature_fraction': 0.4,
    'bagging_fraction': 0.6,
    'bagging_freq': 17}

All the categorical features of the dataset is label encoded with LabelEncoder. I trained the model after running cv with eartly_stopping as shown below.

lgb_cv =, d_train, num_boost_round=10000, nfold=3, shuffle=True, stratified=True, verbose_eval=20, early_stopping_rounds=100)

nround = lgb_cv['multi_logloss-mean'].index(np.min(lgb_cv['multi_logloss-mean']))

model = lgbm.train(params, d_train, num_boost_round=nround)

After training, I made prediction with model like this,

preds = model.predict(test)

I got a nested array as output like this.

[[  7.93856847e-06   9.99989550e-01   2.51164967e-06]
 [  7.26332978e-01   1.65316511e-05   2.73650491e-01]
 [  7.28564308e-01   8.36756769e-06   2.71427325e-01]
 [  7.26892634e-01   1.26915179e-05   2.73094674e-01]
 [  5.93217601e-01   2.07172044e-04   4.06575227e-01]
 [  5.91722491e-05   9.99883828e-01   5.69994435e-05]]

As each list in the preds represent the class probabilites I used np.argmax() to find the classes like this..

predictions = []

for x in preds:

While analyzing the prediction I found that my predictions contain only 2 classes - 0 and 1. Class 2 was the 2nd largest class in the training set, but it was nowhere to be found in the predictions.. On evaluating the result it gave about 78% accuracy.

So, why didn't my model predict class 2 for any of the cases.? Is there anything wrong in the parameters I used.?

Isn't this the proper way to make interpret prediction made by the model.? Should I make any changes for the parameters.??


  • Try troubleshooting by swapping classes 0 and 2, and re-running the trainining and prediction process.

    If the new predictions only contain classes 1 and 2 (most likely given your provided data):

    • Classifier may not have learnt the third class; perhaps its features overlap with those of a larger class, and the classifier defaults to the larger class in order to minimise the objective function. Try providing a balanced training set (same number of samples per class) and retry.

    If the new predictions do contain all 3 classes:

    • Something went wrong in your code somewhere. More information is needed to determine what exactly went wrong.

    Hope this helps.