I tried to install auto_format_on_save using JSPrettier on my Sublime text. But everytime i'm saving my file, i get :
JsPrettier ERROR
Prettier reported the following error(s):
env: node: No such file or directory
Process finished with exit code 127
For what i've read, it is because i'm using oh-my-zh
and nvm
but i don't succeed to configure my setup files properly.
Please help
which node :: /Users/mymac/.nvm/versions/node/v9.5.0/bin/node
Thanks for helping
Try setting node_path
in your JsPrettier - User settings
to point to the absolute path output by $ which node
(for whatever version of Node you want the plugin to use).
You might also try setting prettier_cli_path
similarly to the output of $ which prettier
I pulled this from Settings in the extension docs:
node_path (default: empty) If Sublime Text has problems resolving the absolute path to node, you can set a custom path here.
nvm users must set an appropriate absolute
(and absoluteprettier_cli_path
), according to the runtime environment.