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How to disable implicit type conversion for Constants?

I have the following code snippent:

type ErrorCode string

const (

type Response struct {
    ErrorCode string `json:"errorCode"`

func BuildResponseError(errorCode ErrorCode) string {
    user := &Response{ErrorCode: string(errorCode)}
    response, err := json.Marshal(user)
    if err != nil {
        return `{"errorCode":"bad_request"}`

    return string(response)

I can call function BuildResponseError like that:


Is there a way to disable this implicit type conversion? I want to call this function only like this, using a enum value:



  • You can't disable the possibility to assign a string to a variable of your ErrorCode type since ErrorCode's underlying type is string and according to Go's assignability rules:

    A value x is assignable to a variable of type T ("x is assignable to T") if one of the following conditions applies:


    • x's type V and T have identical underlying types and at least one of V or T is not a defined type


    So that functionality is built-in into the language.

    One way to achieve similar functionality (not exactly the same but the closest you can get) would be to define the type like:

    type ErrorCode struct {
        Code string

    And then a variable (you can't define a constant of that type):

    var (
        INVALID_REQUEST ErrorCode = ErrorCode{"INVALID_REQUEST"}

    You should then modify your code, of course, to take the Code from inside that type to build the response:

    user := &Response{ErrorCode: errorCode.Code}

    That way the function can't be called using a string, only ErrorCode values will be accepted.
