I'm using node-opcua library. I have instance of OPCUAServer. How can I get node value and edit it?
I assume OPC client should be able to do it, but I want to interact with OPC server since I'm responding to an internal event.
Should I maybe use something like WriteRequest to perform such operation?
alternatively you can use the setValueFromSource
method on the variable.
This will bypass all Read/Write access checking that takes place in writeValue.
It is also synchronous
nodeToChange.setValueFromSource({ dataType: "Double", value: 3.14});
can take an optional statusCode
{ dataType: "Double", value: 3.14},
if not specified StatusCodes.Good is assumed.
and a optional source timestamp
{ dataType: "Double", value: 3.14},
opcua.StatusCodes.Good, new Date());