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Difference between training and testing accuracy+ Tensorflow tutorial

The code in this tensorflow tutorial uses this section of the code to calculate the validation accuracy right?

eval_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn(
      x={"x": eval_data},
  eval_results = mnist_classifier.evaluate(input_fn=eval_input_fn)

Question: So if I had to calculate the training set accuracy that is to see if my model is overfitting my training set data, if I changed the value of "x" to train_data and feed the training data for testing as well, Would it give me the training set accuracy?

If not, how do I check if my model is overfitting my dataset?

How does the number of steps affect the accuracy? Like if I have trained it for 20000 steps and then if I train it for another 100. Why does it change the accuracy? Is it since the weights are being calculated all over again? Would it be advisable to do something like this then?



  • Normally you have 3 datasets, 1 for training, 1 for validation and 1 for testing. All these datasets have to be unique, an image of the training set may not occur in the validation or test set, etc. You train with the training set and after each epoch, you validate the model with the validation data. The optimizers will always try to update the weights to perfectly classify the training data, the training accuracy will therefore get very high (>90). The validation data is data the model has never seen before, and its done after each epoch (or x amount of steps) to show how well the model reacts to data is hasn't seen before, this shows how well the model will improve overtime.

    The more you train, the higher the training accuracy will become, since the optimizer will do its best to get that value to 100%. The validation data, that does not update the weights, also increases overtime, but not continuously. While the training accuracy keeps improving, the validation accuracy might stop improving. The moment the validation accuracy decreases over time, well then you're overfitting. This means that the model is focusing too much on the training data, and that it can't classify another character correctly if it differs from the training set.

    At the end of all the training you use a test set, this will determine the actual accuracy of your model on new data.

    @xmacz: I cannot add comments yet, only answers so I just update my answer. Yes, I checked the source code, your first lines of code tests the model on test data