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No premake script(premake5.lua) found error

This is my first posted question so sorry for any mistakes I make. I recently was trying to setup Box2D on visual studio 2017 and I was told that you must use premake5 to first create the sample project and then you can begin using Box2D. The problem is that when I call premake5 vs2017 Downloads/Box2D-master/Box2D-master/Box2/premake5.lua in command prompt (I have also tried with vs2015 and vs2013 ), the program throws an error No Premake script (premake5.lua) found!. I have triple checked file paths but nothing seems to be working. Do you have any ideas?


  • This worked for me:

    $ git clone
    $ cd Box2D/Box2D
    $ premake5 vs2017