I'm trying to use Weka to look at my data sets. When I load my data set in, and I got to classify and I choose J48 and click start it will being normally, my bird in the bottom right hand corner will go back and forth and there will be a x 1 next to it. The status will update to "Building model on train data" but then after a second or two the bird will stop and sit back down, and it will change to x 0. No further progress is made after that.
The file I am looking at is a csv file with 5 columns. The first row, is a row of labels, and the total amount of rows are 1971 (in each column obviously).
I have done some research on this and found no solutions. Possibly I'm looking in the wrong place? Any guidance or resolutions to this issue would be much appreciated!
May have found a solution myself... It could of been due to the size of the data. I reduced the data amount and it started loading what looks like large matrix's. I'll provide two screenshots. Does this seem like a safe assumption to make? It was due to data size? Confirmation would be appreciated.