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Pandas Dataframe MultiIndex transform one level of the multiindex to another axis while keeping the other level in the original axis

I have a Pandas Dataframe with MultiIndex in the row indexers like this:

enter image description here

This dataframe is a result of a groupby operation and then slicing from a 3-level MultiIndex.I would like the 'date' row indexer to remain, but shift the 'SlabType' level of row indexers into column indexer with non-available values as NaN.

This is what I would like to get to:

enter image description here

What operations do I need to do to achieve this? Also if the title of the question can be improved, please suggest so.


  • Use unstack with select column SlabLT:

    print (df['SlabLT'].unstack())

    But if possible duplicates in MultiIndex is necessary aggregate column, a.g. by mean:

    print (df.groupby(level=[0,1])['SlabLT'].mean().unstack())


    df = pd.DataFrame({'date':['2017-10-01','2017-10-08','2017-10-08','2017-10-15', '2017-10-15'],
    print (df)
    date       SlabType        
    2017-10-01 UOM2           1
    2017-10-08 AMOUNT      6000
               UOM2           1
    2017-10-15 AMOUNT      6000 <-duplicated MultiIndex '2017-10-15', 'AMOUNT'
               AMOUNT      5000 <-duplicated MultiIndex '2017-10-15', 'AMOUNT'
    print (df['SlabLT'].unstack())

    ValueError: Index contains duplicate entries, cannot reshape

    print (df.groupby(level=[0,1])['SlabLT'].mean())
    date        SlabType
    2017-10-01  UOM2           1
    2017-10-08  AMOUNT      6000
                UOM2           1
    2017-10-15  AMOUNT      5500
    Name: SlabLT, dtype: int64
    print (df.groupby(level=[0,1])['SlabLT'].mean().unstack())
    SlabType    AMOUNT  UOM2
    2017-10-01     NaN   1.0
    2017-10-08  6000.0   1.0
    2017-10-15  5500.0   NaN