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Programming languages

I am almost new to programming and I read about all the differences between the programming paradigms(which I understand/translate as/to 'best practise', since I am not a native english speaker so correct me if I am wrong).

A programming language is artificial, it exists so that people can write programs that a in an abstract way, this ranges from assembly to highlevel languages. This part I understand, of course.

But all of these paradigms, object oriented etc. is the "only" difference between them how you "structure" your data such as in objects, methods etc? I mean, is the difference how you lay out your code in the editor and how you manipulate the data?


  • You are technically correct, but the paradigm you choose has deep implications for how you write programs. Writing a program with the object-oriented paradigm can be vastly different that writing a program with a procedural language. You have design your program functionality with the concepts of the chosen paradigm in mind. For example, in OO programming you should have an OO design, i.e. you break your logic up into classes, with inheritance and whatnot, to get the benefits of OO.