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CrateDB create custom analyzer

I'm trying to create a custom analyzer, following the syntax from however when I attempt to create the following :

create analyzer FullAddressAnalyzer ([TOKENIZER ngram with (min_gram = 2, max_gram =10)])

I get the SQLActionException[SQLParseException: tokenizer name 'ngram' is reserved] error, this baffles me as the documentation explains that you can use parameters for ngram but this doesn't seem to make any sense


  • Seems like the CrateDB SQL reference documentation is not correct for this case.

    When creating a custom analyzer with a parameterized tokenizer, one must use a custom name for the tokenizer while defining the type of the tokenizer. Example:

    create analyzer full_address_analyzer (TOKENIZER my_ngram with (type = ngram, min_gram = 2, max_gram =10)])