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Doctrine 2 query with multiple joins

I am stuck with a query and I hope someone outhere can maybe help with my code.

My Classes look sth like this:

Person 1 ------- 1..* Participation 1...* -------- 1 Event

Now I have an attribute on the class Event called 'isActive' and on the Person Class I have an attribute 'isChecked'.

With my Query I want to return all 'isChecked' Persons that dont have a participation in the 'isActive' Event.

This is my Query so far, but it does not return what I need:

$query = $em->createQueryBuilder('c')
        ->from('AppBundle:Person', 'p')
        ->andWhere('p.isChecked = true')
        ->leftJoin('p.participation', 'pa')
        ->andWhere('pa IS NULL')
        ->leftJoin('pa.event', 'e')
        ->andWhere('e.isActive = true');

If Anyone can tell me, what I am doing wrong here, would be awesome.

Kind Regards, Sebastian


  • You need to tweak your joining part by using WITH clause, remove ->andWhere('e.isActive = true') from where filter and move this clause in joining part of your entities, So that only events (rows get joined with pa) returned which are marked as isActive.


    SELECT p
    FROM AppBundle:Person p
    LEFT JOIN p.participation pa
    LEFT JOIN pa.event e WITH e.isActive = true
    WHERE p.isChecked = true
    AND pa IS NULL

    In query builder you could represent it as

    $query = $em->createQueryBuilder('c')
            ->from('AppBundle:Person', 'p')
            ->leftJoin('p.participation', 'pa')
            ->leftJoin('pa.event', 'e','WITH', 'e.isActive = true')
            ->andWhere('p.isChecked = true')
            ->andWhere('pa IS NULL');