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Handle TokenMismatchException for ajax request

I'm sending my requests to the server using ajax and somehow at times, I may get TokenMismatchException on the server. Now, I want to handle this both on the backend as well as frontend. For this, I used a reference from this StackOverflow link:

public function render($request , Exception $exception)
    //TODO Check the following if() block code validity for production server
    if ($exception instanceof \Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException){
        if ($request->expectsJson() ){
            return Response::json([
                'message'      => 'Token mismatch (CSRF token mismatched)' ,
                'message-type' => 'danger' ,
                'new_csrf_token' => csrf_token()
            ], $exception->getStatusCode());
        return redirect()
                'message'      => 'Validation Token was expired. Please try again' ,
                'message-type' => 'danger' ,

    return parent::render($request , $exception);

Using this JSON response, I want to display a prompt message on the front end as well as update the CSRF token to resend the request.

But I get an error saying:

Call to undefined method Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException::getStatusCode()

Any ideas how can I manage to handle this exception for ajax request?


  • Laravel token miss match exception code is 419, you can use directly 419 instead of $exception->getStatusCode()