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TYPO3 Fluidcontent - load page via pagenum

In older projects (< TYPO3 7.6) I was using the following code to load a page with a pagenum:

ajax = PAGE
ajax {
    typeNum = 2008

    10 < styles.content.get
    10.stdWrap.innerWrap >

    config {
        disableAllHeaderCode = 1
        additionalHeaders = Content-type:application/json
        disablePrefixComment = 1
        xhtml_cleaning = 0
        admPanel = 0
        debug = 0
        no_cache = 1

Now we're working with TYPO3 8.7 and Fluidcontent and when using this code, a blank page is being outputted, no content. I had a look into the Object-Browser and it seems that styles.content.get should still work.

I'm afraid it doesn't work anymore because of Fluidcontent and the different structure for backend layouts. Unfortunately, I could not find anything helpful on Google. Does anybody know how to use this (load page via pagenum) with Fluidcontent in TYPO3 8.7?


  • styles.content.get is defined very late with fluidcontent. so your copy might copy an up to then undefined/ empty definition.

    • either use the reference operator =<,

    • define it by your own:


    styles.content.get = CONTENT
    styles.content.get {
        table = tt_content
        select {
            orderBy = sorting
            where = colPos=0
    • or use this immediately:


    ajax {
        10 = CONTENT
        10 {
            table = tt_content
            select {
                orderBy = sorting
                where = colPos=0