For some beginners including myself , still figuring out on how to make our own theme module. But this is how I found a solution myself. Please Note : I don't know if this effects the performance issue on ApostropheCMS , but I'll leave this as a solution for all of us. Let's Begin ! (See Answer Below) :
We followed tutorial from Pushing Assets to the Browser , but there is a missing plot somehow on why the assets is still cannot be found. Let's say we have created our own theme module based on that tutorial here. I put mine for example :
- public/
- css/
- bootstrap/
- bootstrap.min.css
- font-awesome/
- font-awesome.min.css
- js/
- bootstrap/
- bootstrap.min.js
- index.js
Then , you must put this in app.js to load the module :
modules: {
// in app.js
// other config above
// include my own-theme-module
'my-theme' : {},
Then , in our my-theme/index.js , these are my pushAsset method :
module.exports = {
construct : function(self,options){
// Every asset you have in public folder
self.pushAsset('script', 'bootstrap/bootstrap.min');
self.pushAsset('stylesheet', 'bootstrap/bootstrap.min');
self.pushAsset('stylesheet', 'custom');
IMPORTANT NOTE : You don't have to include a link or script tag in your nunjucks template because it will make your performance issue on ApostropheCMS where minification process may not take if you put a link/script tags in nunjucks template. Let the Apostrophe made it for you , your job is only pushAsset ;)
Now, what if you have TOO MANY ASSETS , and you're too lazy to write the code everytime you upload a new asset , I have a shortcut using lodash , simple ! . In my-theme/index.js :
var _ = require('lodash');
module.exports = {
stylesheets : [
{ // Make sure your directory after css folder is correct for specific search
name : 'bootstrap/bootstrap.min'
name : 'custom'
name : 'font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min'
scripts : [
name : 'bootstrap/bootstrap.min'
construct : function(self,options){
// Every asset you have in public folder
_.each(options.stylesheets || [] , function(item){
_.each(options.scripts || [] , function(item){
self.pushAsset('script' ,
What if I want to do <img>
tag with my custom asset PNG for example ? Do I need to pushAsset too ?
Answer : NO , you don't have to push asset because its only works on Stylesheets and Scripts . Once you load the module in app.js , the apostrophe automatically upload the asset to the url to
. For Example :<img src="/modules/my-theme/img/icon.png">
Simple !
ANOTHER NOTE : If you need to call your asset ONLY via CSS for background-image that using url() or font-face, you need to call by using your own module name : /modules/your-module-name/path-to-your-asset/
. EASY ! !
AND REMEMBER , DON'T PUT LINK and SCRIPT tag to link an asset that you pushed. Apostrophe HAS MADE IT FOR YOU FOR POWERFUL PERFORMANCE ! Again , your job is to push the Asset ONLY.