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Error 2467 filtering a subform in a form in a navigation

I have a form with 1 dropdown and 4 subreports, called rptBuildingResume. When I choose a value in the dropdown I filter all the subforms using that value. This works fine but...

I have a navigation form, called Main, when I add the previous form into my navigation form, of course I change my code, and this

2467 error

start to appear, but the fun thing is that it works fine for the first subreport, but fails for the next one. If I change the order of the callings it works allways fine for the first one, but fail in the next.

This is the code I´m using to do this:

[Forms]![Main]!SubformNav.[Form].rptNotFinishedBld.Report.Filter = "BuildingID_FK = " & Me.Building
[Forms]![Main]!SubformNav.[Form].rptNotFinishedBld.Report.FilterOn = True
[Forms]![Main]!SubformNav.[Form].rptNosPaidInFullBld.Report.Filter = "BuildingID_FK = " & Me.Building
[Forms]![Main]!SubformNav.[Form].rptNosPaidInFullBld.Report.FilterOn = True
[Forms]![Main]!SubformNav.[Form].rptDoneBld.Report.Filter = "BuildingID_FK >= " & Me.Building
[Forms]![Main]!SubformNav.[Form].rptDoneBld.Report.FilterOn = True
[Forms]![Main]!SubformNav.[Form].rptAgreeDepositNoStartBld.Report.Filter = "BuildingID_FK = " & Me.Building
[Forms]![Main]!SubformNav.[Form].rptAgreeDepositNoStartBld.Report.FilterOn >= True
  • Main is my navigation form.
  • SubformNav is the subform in it.
  • rpt* are the subreports in the subform.


  • If this is an inbuilt navigation form then it is caused by the way the inbuilt Navigation form work - I would have a read here for some explanations of Cause and effect.

    If not then you need to look at the syntax examples here for the correct way to reference sub forms from other forms / subforms.

    Edit: The alternative would be to use the Child/Master properties of the subreports to negate having to filter them, probably more efficient as well.