I created a VHDL package with a new type as you can see below:
package useOfLength is
type length1 is range -(2**31-1) to 2**31-1
mm = 1000 um;
cm = 10 mm;
m = 100 cm;
inch = 25400 um;
yard = 914400 um;
foot = 304800 um;
end units;
in my testbench I am trying to "report" the variable "output" of a signal of type length1:
report "The result is " & to_string(output);
Modelsim gives me the following error message:
** Error: G:/OneDrive - Office/SS2018/DRS/exercise6/1106ex03/ex03_tb.vhd(49): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "to_string".
I tried a lot (cast to integer and then to string) and also other ways, but nothing is working. I also found casts on the internet, but only for already given types, not for self-defined types. I am also new to VHDL and maybe this is a stupid question...
okay, I found out, that a physical type is the same as an integer...
so to convert it to a string is working like this: