mentions that
The reason is that accepting self-signed certificates bypasses the certificate chain validation, which allows any server certificate to be considered valid by the device.
When using Cordova on iOS, if you want to use self signed certificates you have to add this code to your app.
@implementation NSURLRequest(DataController)
+ (BOOL)allowsAnyHTTPSCertificateForHost:(NSString *)host
return YES;
So that's probably what this means
The reason is that accepting self-signed certificates bypasses the certificate chain validation, which allows any server certificate to be considered valid by the device.
Unlike Android, this is an all or nothing, once you add that all the validations are skipped.
Adding that only affects your app, not other apps, but it affects all the connections your WebView does. So it makes your app highly insecure as people could easily do man in the middle attacks.