I am trying to build a Flutter application for Android that vibrates the phone both
I have found ways of producing haptic feedback, such as HapticFeedback.vibrate
, HapticFeedback.lightImpact
; however, none of these allow me to control the length of the vibration.
Is there any way in which I can make the phone vibrate for a specified length of time (e.g. 250ms)?
I'm answering my own question as I've found a solution that works well for Android; using the plugin vibrate
, the following code works perfectly well to send custom lengths of vibration and patterns of vibration:
class GoodVibrations {
static const MethodChannel _channel = const MethodChannel(
///Vibrate for ms milliseconds
static Future vibrate(ms) =>
_channel.invokeMethod("vibrate", {"duration": ms});
///Take in an Iterable<int> of the form
///[l_1, p_1, l_2, p_2, ..., l_n]
///then vibrate for l_1 ms,
///pause for p_1 ms,
///vibrate for l_2 ms,
///and vibrate for l_n ms.
static Future vibrateWithPauses(Iterable<int> periods) async {
bool isVibration = true;
for (int d in periods) {
if (isVibration && d > 0) {
await new Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: d));
isVibration = !isVibration;