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Generating multiple csv files from a list in pandas, python

I'm trying to create a new dataframe for each possible combination in 'combinations' reading in some values from a dataframe, an example of the dataframe:

|            Species            | OGT |  Domain  |       A       |      C       |      D       |      E       |      F       |      G       |      H       |      I       |      K       |       L       |      M       |      N       |      P       |      Q       |      R       |      S       |      T       |      V       |      W       |      Y       |
| Aeropyrum pernix              |  95 | Archaea  |  9.7659115711 | 0.6720465616 | 4.3895390781 | 7.6501943794 | 2.9344881615 | 8.8666657183 | 1.5011817208 | 5.6901432494 | 4.1428307243 | 11.0604191603 |   2.21143353 | 1.9387130928 | 5.1038552753 | 1.6855017182 | 7.7664358772 |  6.266067034 | 4.2052190807 | 9.2692433532 |  1.318690698 | 3.5614200159 |
| Argobacterium fabrum          |  26 | Bacteria | 11.5698896021 | 0.7985475923 | 5.5884500155 | 5.8165463343 | 4.0512504104 | 8.2643271309 | 2.0116736244 | 5.7962804605 | 3.8931525401 |  9.9250463349 | 2.5980609708 | 2.9846761128 | 4.7828063605 | 3.1262365491 | 6.5684282943 | 5.9454781844 | 5.3740045968 | 7.3382308193 | 1.2519739683 | 2.3149400984 |
| Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans |  27 | Bacteria | 16.0337898849 | 0.8860252895 | 5.1368827707 | 6.1864992608 | 2.9730203513 | 9.3167603253 | 1.9360386851 |  2.940143349 | 2.3473650439 |  10.898494736 | 1.6343905351 | 1.5247123262 | 6.3580285706 | 2.4715303021 | 9.2639057482 | 4.1890063803 | 4.3992339725 | 8.3885969061 | 1.2890166336 | 1.8265589289 |
| Aquifex aeolicus              |  85 | Bacteria |  5.8730327277 |  0.795341216 | 4.3287799008 | 9.6746388172 | 5.1386954322 | 6.7148035486 | 1.5438364179 | 7.3358775924 | 9.4641440609 | 10.5736658776 | 1.9263080969 | 3.6183861236 | 4.0518679067 | 2.0493569604 | 4.9229955632 | 4.7976564501 | 4.2005259246 | 7.9169763709 | 0.9292167138 | 4.1438942987 |
| Archaeoglobus fulgidus        |  83 | Archaea  |  7.8742687687 | 1.1695110027 | 4.9165979364 | 8.9548767369 |  4.568636662 | 7.2640358917 | 1.4998752909 | 7.2472039919 | 6.8957233203 |  9.4826333048 | 2.6014466253 |  3.206476915 | 3.8419576418 | 1.7789787933 | 5.7572748236 | 5.4763351139 | 4.1490633048 | 8.6330814159 | 1.0325605451 | 3.6494619148 |

Here is my code at the moment.

import itertools
import pandas as pd

letters = ['G','A','L','M','F','W','K','Q','E','S','P','V','I','C','Y','H','R','N','D','T']

combinations = [''.join(i) for j in range(1,len(letters) + 1) for i in itertools.combinations(letters,r=j)]

df = pd.read_csv('COMPLETECOPYFORR.csv')

for combination in combinations:
    new_df = df[['Species', 'OGT']]
    new_df['Sum of percentage'] = df[list(combination)]
    new_df.to_csv(combination + '.csv')

The desired output is something along the lines of 10 million CSV files, each with the name of the different combinations, so

G.csv, A.csv, through to GALMFWKQESPVICYHRNDT.csv

             Species              OGT   Sum of percentage  
 ------------------------------- ----- ------------------- 
  Aeropyrum pernix                 95             23.4353  
  Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans    26             20.3232  
  Argobacterium fabrum             27             14.2312  
  Aquifex aeolicus                 85             15.0403  
  Archaeoglobus fulgidus           83             34.0532  


  • It looks like need:

    new_df['Sum of percentage'] = df[list(combination)].sum(axis=1)