I'm hoping to generate two subgraphs with the Graphviz neato
engine. One subgraph will contain nodes that are connected to each other, the other will contain singleton nodes that aren't connected to any other nodes. I have adjusted this example from the Graphviz website below:
digraph G {
node [shape = circle];
edge [arrowhead = normal, label="", color="#919191"];
subgraph cluster_0 {
subgraph cluster_1 {
b0 -> b1;
b2 -> b3;
Which gives the following graph when processed with the neato
engine where the nodes in each subgraph aren't clustered together.
neato -Tpng test.dot > test_neato.png
Processing with the dot
engine gives alright results but I need to generate networks with a large number of nodes and the neato
engine is more suitable in this format.
dot -Tpng test.dot > test_dot.png
I would like the borders, titles, and clustering (as shown in the example using dot
above) but using the neato
engine for positioning the nodes. Is there a way to do this in Graphviz?
Thanks in advance for the help.
This seems to be possible with the fdp
engine according to discussion in this thread.
The following command produces a figure that is satisfactory.
fdp -Tpng test.dot > test_dot.png