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Userform load with different initalisation

I currently have a UserForm that involves dates and times which loads when a button is pressed. When it appears it comes with example default values already filled in. However I have decided that I want the UserForm to also load when a cell is clicked on. However when the cell is clicked on I want the UserForm to appear with dates and times already filled in (based on the Cell location)

So far I have the following: This is in the UserForm

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

'Set Duration Box default value to 1
DurationBox.Value = 1

'Set court one as default
OptionButton1.Value = True

'Set Default (example) Date
DateBox.Text = "Ex 22/05/2001"

'Set Default start time
StartBox.Text = "08:00"

'Set Default Number of weeks
WeeksBox.Text = 1 

In the cells though I have the following:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim CurDate As String
Dim CurStart As String

If Target.Row > 6 And Target.Row < 21 And Target.Column > 5 And 
Target.Column < 13 Then
    CurRow = ActiveCell.Row
    CurCol = ActiveCell.Column
    CurDate = Cells(5, CurCol).Text
    CurStart = Cells(CurRow, 1).Text

End If

End Sub

When the UserForm loads in this in this way I want CurDate and CurStart to repalce the default DateBox and StartBox

However if I simply put:

'Set Default (example) Date
DateBox.Text = CurDate

'Set Default start time
StartBox.Text = CurStart

after loading the UserForm Firstly it doesnt do anything until after I have closed the UserForm and secondly it then throws up an error.

Essentialy I want to give the UserForm a different Initialization based on how it is activated. I could just have two UserForms that do exactly the same thing however the rest of the code is very long and its still liable to be changed.


  • You have two options:
    1. Move all (or most) of your code in UserForm_Initialize to UserForm_Activate. Then it will happen right after your .Show call.
    2. Set the values from your calling code instead of in the form:

    UserForm1.DateBox.Text = CurDate