I am implementing a simple tool using ASIS(Ada Semantics interface Specifications).
I am having problem with listing child elements in a given Elements.for example i am having assignment statement as
C := A + B;
i am able to get the element(expression) which represents "A + B", from the above assignment statement but need to extract A, B elements individually from the above expression.
what is the query in ASIS for doing the same. i have tried "Traverse_element" but not able to succeed.
A + B
is a function call, so you have to extract the actual parameters of the function call using:
use ASIS.Expressions;
for Parameter_Association of Function_Call_Parameters (Expression => Element,
Normalized => True) loop
Formal : constant Asis.Element := Formal_Parameter (Parameter_Association);
Actual : constant Asis.Element := Actual_Parameter (Parameter_Association);
end loop;