Does anyone know or know how I might get the vertices for a 20 sided dice? I believe it is also known as a regular icosahedron. I believe they have 12 vertices. I don't mind the scale, although it would be nice if they were centered such that the center of the dice is the origin. I'm thinking of something like
I'm planning on rendering it with OpenGL. It doesn't have to include face data in triangle strip form, but that would be quite a bonus.
Also bonus question: does anyone know if the vertices are equal distance from the center? Meaning they can all be normalized to 1? I suspect they are. If so, a normalized format would be great, but not necessary...I'd be happy with whatever data I can get.
I can answer partially. Yes, they are all the same distance from the center. This is true of all platonic solids. The vertices are given here: and