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making model relationship to user, user can only access its own data

i have 2 main models and some child models with relationController to main models, now i need to add user id to both main and child models so user can only access its own data since users data stay on the same table. i create belongsToMany relationship from user.php to the models and vice versa with pivot table but nothing happen i have no idea how to do this since i need simplified database management in case i need to do migration.. can someone share your experience on this..


  • I can suggest you that you just add user_id [for Backend => backend_users_id ] to models which data you want access to owner only.

    now in main model you can define belongsTo relation and in user you can define hasMany relation

    main model relationship [if you want to restrict the user in backend side then you need to add backend user relation and same in backend user model]

    class MainModel extends Model
        // Adding relation to user model
        public $belongsTo = [
            'user' => 'RainLab\User\Models\User',
            'backend_users' =>'Backend\Models\User' // for Backend

    adding a relation to the user model [ you need to put this code in your plugin's boot method ]

    // Extending User Model
    \RainLab\User\Models\User::extend(function($model) {
        $model->hasMany['mainmodel'] = ['HardikSatasiya\Plugin\Models\MainModel'];
    // for Backend users
    \Backend\Models\User::extend(function($model) {
        $model->hasMany['mainmodel'] = ['HardikSatasiya\Plugin\Models\MainModel'];

    Now access data [ Front-end side ]

    // Returns the signed in user
    $user = \Auth::getUser();
    dd($user->mainmodel); // it will return collection of related mainmodels
    // it will return related data and now its filter by owner
    // for Backend users
    // Returns the signed in user
    $user = \BackendAuth::getUser();
    dd($user->mainmodel); // it will return collection of related mainmodels
    // it will return related data and now its filter by owner

    Example filter data in listview based on logged in admin user [ OctoberCMS do not give such functionality out of the box, you can not hide a portion of data records you can hide entire menu or all records based on rights and roles but can not hide partial records ]

    public function listExtendQuery($query)
        $user = \BackendAuth::getUser();
        $query->where('backend_users_id', $user->id);

    to add backend_users_id you can use this code

    class MainModel extends Model {
        public function beforeSave()
            $user = \BackendAuth::getUser();
            $this->backend_users_id = $user->id;

    if any doubt please comment.