I am trying to tap on a link within a link label. Using the recorder I have this code for the tap event
let link = XCUIApplication().scrollViews.otherElements.links["link here"]
does not tap on the link correctly. The link is at the end of the text, how would I be able to tap that part of the label? It seems like XCUITest taps the start of the text which doesnt have the link
Seems like it may be an accessibility container issue. However one work around is to compute the coordinate relative to the UI element you can access with XCUIApplication
let coordinate = CGVector(dx: 0.1, dy: 0.1) //Enter your values for x / y
someElement.coordinate(withNormalizedOffset: coordinate).tap()
I usually just use trial and error to compute the coordinates. However, you can use the accessibility inspector and debug prints if you need an extra precise press.