I am challenged by the process of using an observer to observe the action of creating a CSV file for download. I think that the R-Studio documentation states that eventExpr may be a "complex expression inside curly braces." Is this a valid eventExpression? I am using this construct 5 times, and all five conditions are triggered when my shinyApp initiates.
### Observe the download handler preparing for CSV download
output$Wire_Centers.csv <- downloadHandler(
filename = "Wire_Centers.csv",
content = function(file) {
write.table(WC_List_2(), file, row.names=FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep=',') ### end write.table
} # End content function
) # End downloadHandler
}, { # End observered event, start log
}) # end observeEvent output condition
Any ideas or suggestions?
I accomplished adding the activity log action by adding the log function call as the first clause of the content function for the downloadHandler. The call logUse("WC_Download")
operates as required, and the activity log is appropriately augmented.
output$Wire_Centers.csv <- downloadHandler(
filename = "Wire_Centers.csv",
content = function(file) {
write.table(WC_List_2(), file, row.names=FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep=',') ### end write.table
}, # End content function
) # End downloadHandler