In (*1) one can read next
rewrite prf in expr
If we have
prf : x = y
, and the required type for expr is some property ofx
, therewrite ... in
syntax will search forx
in the required type ofexpr
and replace it withy
Now, I have next piece of code (you can copy it to editor and try ctrl-l)
module Test
plusCommZ : y = plus y 0
plusCommZ {y = Z} = Refl
plusCommZ {y = (S k)} = cong $ plusCommZ {y = k}
plusCommS : S (plus y k) = plus y (S k)
plusCommS {y = Z} = Refl
plusCommS {y = (S j)} {k} = let ih = plusCommS {y=j} {k=k} in cong ih
plusComm : (x, y : Nat) -> plus x y = plus y x
plusComm Z y = plusCommZ
plusComm (S k) y =
ih = plusComm k y
prfXeqY = sym ih
expr = plusCommS {k=k} {y=y}
-- res = rewrite prfXeqY in expr
in ?hole
below is how hole looks like
- + Test.hole [P]
`-- k : Nat
y : Nat
ih : plus k y = plus y k
prfXeqY : plus y k = plus k y
expr : S (plus y k) = plus y (S k)
Test.hole : S (plus k y) = plus y (S k)
The Question.
It looks to me like expr
(from *1) in commented line equals to S (plus y k) = plus y (S k)
. And prf
equals to plus y k = plus k y
where x
is plus y k
and y
is plus k y
. And rewrite should search for x
(namely for plus y k
) in expr
(namely S (plus y k) = plus y (S k)
and should replace x
with y
(namely with plus k y
). And result (res
) should be S (plus k y) = plus y (S k)
But this does not work.
I have next answer from idris
rewriting plus y k to plus k y did not change type letty
I could guess rewrite is intended to change type of the resulting expression only. So, it is not working within body of let
expression, but only in it's 'in' part. Is this correct?
PS. Example from tutorial works fine. I'm just curious to know why the way I've tried to use rewrite didn't work.
Though not stated explicitly stated in the docs, rewrite
is syntax-sugary invocation of an Elab
tactics script (defined around here).
To why your example does not work: the "required type of expr
" isn't found; with just res = rewrite prfXeqY in expr
alone, it is unclear, which type res
should have (even the unifier could resolve this with let res = … in res
.) If you specify the required type, it works as expected:
res = the (S (plus k y) = plus y (S k)) (rewrite prfXeqY in expr)