Have installed NGINX so I can divert
http://example.com/Dev/ to http://example.com:8080/apex/f?p=4550:1
I thought I found the solution and gave it a go:
Changed ngnix.config
location /dev/ {
rewrite ^/(/dev/)(.*)$ http://localhost:8080/apex/$1 break;
rewrite_log on;
sudo systemctrl reload nginx
But when I try http://example.com/Dev/ on a browser
I get the 500 error.
Website is listening to 8080 and NGiNX listening to 80
Also tried
location /dev {
rewrite ^/dev(.*) /apex/$1 last;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
Credit return 301
After reading the above answer I tried using return instead of rewrite and it worked.
Anyway here is what worked.
location ~ /dev/?$ {
return 302 http://example.com:8080/apex/$1;
After playing around I also got it to work with rewrite looks like I just needed to add a '~' in the location line
location ~ /dev {
rewrite ^/dev(.*) http://example.com:8080/apex$1 last;