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Copy constructor and overloaded addition operator

I am reviewing operator overloading in C++. Just for fun I am implementing a BigInt class.

The first operator I want to overload for it is the addition operator. I have decided to overload this operator as a friend non-member function. Here's a MWE of this code:

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class BigInt{
  friend BigInt operator+(const BigInt &bi1, const BigInt &bi2);

  BigInt() {}
  explicit BigInt(const std::string &in) {
    if (in.size() != 0) {
      for (auto cc = in.rbegin(); cc != in.rend(); ++cc) {
  std::string value() {
    std::string actual_value{};  // Reversed string.
    for (auto cc = value_.rbegin(); cc != value_.rend(); ++cc) {
    return actual_value;

  std::string value_;  // String of digits as characters.

BigInt operator+(const BigInt &bi1, const BigInt &bi2) {
  BigInt result{};

  result.value_ = "4421";
  return result;

int main() {
  std::cout << "Test addition operator... ";
  std::string number{"1234"};  // Number 1,234.
  BigInt mm(number);
  std::string number_ten{"10"};  // Number 10.
  BigInt nn(number_ten);

  BigInt mm_nn = mm + nn;

  std::string expected_result{"1244"};  // 1,234 + 10 = 1,244.
  assert(mm_nn.value() == expected_result);
  std::cout << "ok." << std::endl;

This code mocks the behavior of the addition. It compiles and runs. Yet when I add a copy constructor for the BigInt class, this codes stops working. I.e. if I add this to the class declaration:

explicit BigInt(const BigInt &in): value_(in.value_) {}

The code does not even compile. The addition function as coded returns a copy of a constructed instance of BigInt. For this a copy constructor must be defined. If I do not define it myself, then the compiler will do so. What does the compiler produce that I am not producing with the added copy constructor? Here's the compilation error I get:

$ g++ -std=c++14 -g mwe.cpp 
mwe.cpp: In function ‘BigInt operator+(const BigInt&, const BigInt&)’:
mwe.cpp:34:10: error: no matching function for call to ‘BigInt::BigInt(BigInt&)’
   return result;
mwe.cpp:9:3: note: candidate: BigInt::BigInt()
   BigInt() {}
mwe.cpp:9:3: note:   candidate expects 0 arguments, 1 provided
mwe.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
mwe.cpp:44:23: error: no matching function for call to ‘BigInt::BigInt(BigInt)’
   BigInt mm_nn = mm + nn;
mwe.cpp:9:3: note: candidate: BigInt::BigInt()
   BigInt() {}
mwe.cpp:9:3: note:   candidate expects 0 arguments, 1 provided

From it, it seems like the compiler expects a copy constructor that I have not provided. Now... IF I REMOVE the explicit keyword, everything works. However, I have seen implementations with explicit copy constructor, for example: Explicit copy constructor

What am I missing? Why can't I make this copy constructor explicit while overloading the addition operator? Should, in general, copy constructors be made explicit?


  • Making the copy constructor explicit does not make sense. Remove it.

    BigInt(const BigInt &in): value_(in.value_) {}

    Conceptual Problem With explicit Copy Constructor

    Making a copy constructor explicit makes returning an object from a function impossible.

    Let's simplify your code to the following:

    struct BigInt
       BigInt() {}
       explicit BigInt(const BigInt &in) {}
    BigInt operator+(const BigInt &bi1, const BigInt &bi2)
       BigInt result;
       return result;
    int main() {}

    In the line return result, the compiler relies on the copy constructor to return an object. When the copy constructor is explicit, there is no way for a BigInt to be constructed as the return value.

    Trying to use:

    BigInt operator+(const BigInt &bi1, const BigInt &bi2)
       BigInt result;
       return BigInt(result);

    is futile since that is equivalent to:

    BigInt operator+(const BigInt &bi1, const BigInt &bi2)
       BigInt result;
       BigInt result1(result);
       return result1;

    The problem continues to be there no matter what you do in the function.