I have 5 windows which i push and pop via a stackview. In the emulator the new window called by push gets on top as it should. However on my android it spawns behind the starting window. I tried using lower() to set the starting window behind the new window with no success
//start page
Button{myStack.push(page_2); lower()}
I also tried rasing the new window on completion with no success
//new page
However close() works properly closing the start page and thus making the new page visible.
//start page
Button{myStack.push(page_2); close()}
Qt doc goes as follows for lower()
Lowers the window in the windowing system.
Requests that the window be lowered to appear below other windows.
and for raise()
Raises the window in the windowing system.
Requests that the window be raised to appear above other windows.
Is my code correct? why does close() work and the others dont't
First of all, I don't think that Qt supports multi window on Android. One single window only.
Second - what you posted is not even valid QML code.
Third - in that case you use the the stack view within a single window, and push different GUI elements onto it. Refer to the documentation.