There is a plethora of BUILD files scattered throughout the hierarchy of my mono repo.
Some of these files contain cc_binary
I know they are all built into bazel-bin
, but I'd like to get easy access to them all.
How can I package them all up, and put them all into ~/.bin/
for example?
I see the packaging rules, but its not clear to me how to write a rule that captures every single program and packages them together.
It may not be the most elegant solution (plus I hope I got the question), but this is how we do it by packaging/"tarring" each binary in its own bazel package / BUILD
name = "hello"
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/pkg:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")
name = "hello_pkg",
srcs = [":hello"],
mode = "0755",
package_dir = "/usr/bin",
And then we'd collect all those into a one overall tarball/package in project root:
name = "mypkg",
extension = "tar.gz",
deps = [
Sometimes we'd actually have multiple such rules for hello to collect for instance executables under bin
and libraries in lib
with intermediary hello_bin
and hello_lib
targets. Which would in the same fashion as mypkg
above be first aggregated into hello_pkg
and that in turn would be used in mypkg