Is there a way to trigger a roku back action via BrightScript ?
I want to pop the current screen off the navigation stack, and show the previous screen.
I need this for a couple reason :
1.) A back button will be present on screen, that the user can navigate to and press. Pressing this button should trigger a back action similar to a pressing the back button on the remote. (Think of a browsers window.history.back())
2.) I want to trigger this back action when certain callback events are called.
I currently use the following task to navigate :
function init()
? "[NavigationTask] init()" = "gotoScreen"
end function
sub gotoScreen()
if <> invalid then
print "[NavigationTask] sceneName not specified"
end if
end sub
sub handleNav(sceneName as String)
print "[NavigationTask] handleNav"
screen = CreateObject("roSGScreen")
m.port = createObject("roMessagePort")
if screen <> invalid
scene = screen.CreateScene(sceneName)
msg = wait(0, m.port)
msgType = type(msg)
print "[NavigationTask] msg : "; msgType" scene="sceneName
if msgType = "roSGScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed() then return
end if
end while
print "[NavigationTask] Invalid roSGScreen"
end if
end sub
Task is called like so :
m.NavigationTask = createObject("roSGNode","NavigationTask")
m.NavigationTask.sceneName = videoScreen()
m.NavigationTask.control ="RUN"
I wouldn't recomend handling navigation in a task thread because of Thread Rendezvous, and also you could just have one roSGScreen and one Scene and have Groups/Rectangles act as your app "screens". This would be a way more performant solution.
But anyways, back to your question, you can simulate a back press programmatically by using the External Control API.
ecpRequest = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
url = "http://" + roku_ip + ":8060/keypress/back"
You can obtain the roku ip address from roDeviceInfo