I have designed 3 tables in mysql Payments, CreditCardPayment, WireTransfer. Payment table has column payment_mode which store the mode of payment used (credit card or paypal). In CreditCardPayment & WireTransfer I am storing the payment id from payment table.
Now how do I fetch all the payments from payment table with the payment mode (details from either credit card or paypal table)?
You must do polymorphic relation the Payment entity and to other entities (CreditCardPayment, WireTransfer).
Add an migration for Payment to adding these columns:
At the Payment.php (entity) you should add this function:
public function paymentable() {
return $this->morphTo();
At CreditCardPayment.php you should add this function:
public function payments(){
return $this->morphMany(Payment::class, 'paymentable');
At WireTransfer.php you should add this function:
public function payments(){
return $this->morphMany(Payment::class, 'paymentable');
Note: The "Payment" at the "payments" method is your Payment entity class.