After I set the saved name, the save is valid, but it does not mean my last actual size.
After my observation, I found that the height of the open NSWindow is smaller than that of the last one. It's about title's height.
This may have something to do with my setup, but I don't know how to improve it. So that the size and location of the storage is exactly the same as the last time.
override func windowDidLoad() {
self.windowFrameAutosaveName = NSWindow.FrameAutosaveName(rawValue: "MainAppWindowAutosave");
self.window?.titleVisibility = .hidden
self.window?.isMovableByWindowBackground = true;
self.window?.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true
self.window?.styleMask = [.fullSizeContentView,.titled,.resizable,.miniaturizable,.closable]
self.window?.toolbar?.isVisible = false;
sets the height. titleVisibility
and toolbar.isVisible
can change the height. Set windowFrameAutosaveName
after titleVisibility
and toolbar.isVisible