I am trying to create a shell script
to make tar
out of a selected list of files with filename starting with AppLog , created within last 15 minutes on a remote server. The tar
is then supposed to scp
the files to my local machine.
My current problem is that the find
option fetches files and lists it, but when the tar
is created only the recent 1 file is zipped even though there might be more than 1 item in the find
output. Please review my script below and advise.
Please note, I am using Cygwin to run this script on Win7.
Systime=`date +%F-%H%M%S`
sshpass -p xxxxxx ssh root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx "cd /path/to/dir/with/logs && find AppLog* -cmin -15 -type f -exec tar -zcvf /dest/sys01-$Systime.tar.gz {} \;"
sshpass -p xxxxxx scp root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/dest/sys01-$Systime.tar.gz .
sshpass -p xxxxxx ssh root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx "rm -rf /dest/sys01-$Systime.tar.gz"
The find command is executing tar for every files found. So you are overwriting the tar file every time for this reason only the last file is present.
You need to execute the tar with the full list, only one time.
cd /path/to/dir/with/logs && find AppLog* -cmin -15 -type f | xargs tar -zcvf /dest/sys01-$Systime.tar.gz