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reasoning in belief network with prolog

I have a problem in Prolog for my final project. I try to reason about train system disruption pattern using bayesian network and prolog. I have bayesian network looks like following figure : Bayesian Network Picture

I read on books Prolog Programming for Articial Intellegent 3rd addtion by Ivan Bratko, and I found how to represent Bayesian Network in Prolog. You can see the Prolog code as follow :

%here is the rule for reasoning in bayesian network from the book :
prob([X|Xs],Cond,P) :- !,
prob(X, Cond, Px),
prob(Xs, [X|Cond], PRest),
P is Px * PRest.

prob([],_,1):- !.

prob(X, Cond, 1) :-
    member(X, Cond),!.

prob(X, Cond, 0) :-
    member(\+ X, Cond), !.

prob(\+ X, Cond, P) :- !,
    prob(X, Cond, P0),
    P is 1-P0.

%Use Bayes rule if condition involves a descendant of X
prob(X, Cond0, P):-
    delete(Y, Cond0, Cond),
    predecessor(X,Y),!,             %Y is a descendant of X
    prob(X, Cond, Px),
    prob(Y, [X|Cond], PyGivenX),
    prob(Y, Cond, Py),
    P is Px * PyGivenX / Py.        %Assuming Py > 0

%Cases when condition does not involves a descendant

prob(X, Cond, P) :-
    p(X, P),!.                      % X a root cause - its probability given

prob(X, Cond, P) :- !,
    findall((CONDi, Pi), p(X,CONDi,Pi), CPlist),        %Condition on parents
    sum_probs(CPlist, Cond, P).

sum_probs([(COND1,P1) | CondsProbs], COND, P) :-
    prob(COND1, COND, PC1),
    sum_probs(CondsProbs, COND, PRest),
    P is P1 * PC1 + PRest.

predecessor(X, \+ Y) :- !,          %Negated variable Y

predecessor(X,Y) :-

predecessor(X,Z) :-

member(X, [X|_]).
member(X, [_|L]) :-

delete(X, [X|L], L).
delete(X, [Y|L], [Y|L2]) :-
    delete(X, L, L2). 

Here also some the implementation of the bayesian network information in prolog (I only add some of them because it was too long):

p(static_inverter, [overhead_line], 0.005050505).
p(static_inverter, [\+ overhead_line], 0.000213767).

p(ac, [static_inverter], 0.5).
p(ac, [\+ static_inverter], 0.029749692).

p(door, [compressor], 0.026315789).
p(door, [\+ compressor], 0.006821).

p(horn, [compressor], 0.026315789).
p(horn, [\+ compressor], 0.000206697).

p(brake, [compressor], 0.026315789).
p(brake, [\+ compressor], 0.004340637).

p(switch, [signal, service_table], 0.5).
p(switch, [\+ signal, service_table], 0.346153846).
p(switch, [signal, \+ service_table], 0.054098361).
p(switch, [\+ signal, \+ service_table], 0.041364933).

p(overhead_line, [fire, fallen_tree], 0.5).
p(overhead_line, [fire, \+ fallen_tree], 0.005882353).
p(overhead_line, [\+ fire, fallen_tree], 0.304878049).
p(overhead_line, [\+ fire, \+ fallen_tree], 0.038850284).

p(pantograph, [overhead_line, fallen_tree], 0.038461538).
p(pantograph, [overhead_line, \+ fallen_tree], 0.002702703).
p(pantograph, [\+ overhead_line, fallen_tree], 0.017241379).
p(pantograph, [\+ overhead_line, \+ fallen_tree], 0.00440955).

for the full code you may see on here

unfortunately I have a problem when I try to reason some probabilities like :

?- prob(series, [horn], P).
?- prob(series, [brake], P).
?- prob(pantograph, [overhead_line], P).

It was said the error is something like this :

ERROR: Arithmetic: evaluation error: `zero_divisor'
ERROR:   [27] _43124 is 0.045454539961694*0/0
ERROR:   [25] prob([compressor],[\+brake,traction|...],_43166) at d:/kuliah/tugas/semester 8/for ta/[2] ta program/reasoningtraindisruptionwithprolog/
ERROR:   [24] sum_probs([(...,0.026315789),...],[\+brake,traction|...],_43216) at d:/kuliah/tugas/semester 8/for ta/[2] ta program/reasoningtraindisruptionwithprolog/
ERROR:   [22] prob([horn,door|...],[\+brake,traction|...],_43278) at d:/kuliah/tugas/semester 8/for ta/[2] ta program/reasoningtraindisruptionwithprolog/
ERROR:   [21] prob([\+brake,horn|...],[traction,wiper|...],_43334) at d:/kuliah/tugas/semester 8/for ta/[2] ta program/reasoningtraindisruptionwithprolog/
ERROR:   [20] prob([traction,...|...],[wiper,speedometer|...],_43390) at d:/kuliah/tugas/semester 8/for ta/[2] ta program/reasoningtraindisruptionwithprolog/

Any one can help me to fix this error? Thanks in advance.


  • After introducing the safety test,

    prob(Y, Cond, Py),
    Py > 0,
    P is Px * PyGivenX / Py.        %Assuming Py > 0

    and corrected a typo and several singleton warnings in your github code, I have these results:

    ?- prob(series, [horn], P).
    ?- prob(series, [brake], P).
    P = 0.086661842800551.
    ?- prob(pantograph, [overhead_line], P).

    So you can now try to understand why the code yields false instead of P = 0.0...