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Can I create XmlAttributeOverrides using a custom attribute?

I am trying to implement an abstraction for basic serialization in C# behind a custom attribute, called GenericSerializable. Essentially, I want this attribute, when applied to a public property, to indicate to some serializer (whether it be XML, JSON, Protobuf, etc.) that that property should be serialized, and if it's absent then it should not be serialized. Currently, I can get the information of whether or not a specific property has that attribute, but I'm struggling to implement the XML serializer. Here is my test inheritance structure:

public abstract class SerializableObjectBase
    protected int _typeIndicator;

    public int TypeIndicator
            return _typeIndicator;

    public SerializableObjectBase()
        _typeIndicator = 0;

public class SerializableObjectChildOne : SerializableObjectBase
    private int _test;

    public int Test
            return _test;
            _test = value;

    public SerializableObjectChildOne() : base()
        _test = 1234;
        _typeIndicator = 1;

public class SerializableObjectChildTwo : SerializableObjectChildOne
    private List<int> _list;

    public List<int> List
            return _list;

    public SerializableObjectChildTwo() : base()
        _list = new List<int>();
        _typeIndicator = 2;

I want the XML for this example to look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SerializableObjectChildTwo xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

But instead it looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SerializableObjectChildTwo xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

Here is the serialization code:

using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(".\\output.xml", FileMode.Create))
    // object to serialize
    SerializableObjectChildTwo s = new SerializableObjectChildTwo();

    XmlAttributeOverrides overrides = new XmlAttributeOverrides();

    // check whether each property has the custom attribute
    foreach (PropertyInfo property in typeof(SerializableObjectChildTwo).GetProperties())
        XmlAttributes attrbs = new XmlAttributes();

        // if it has the attribute, tell the overrides to serialize this property
        if (property.CustomAttributes.Any((attr) => attr.AttributeType.Equals(typeof(GenericSerializable))))
            Console.WriteLine("Adding " + property.Name + "");
            attrbs.XmlElements.Add(new XmlElementAttribute(property.Name));
            // otherwise, ignore the property
            Console.WriteLine("Ignoring " + property.Name + "");
            attrbs.XmlIgnore = true;

        // add this property to the list of overrides
        overrides.Add(typeof(SerializableObjectChildTwo), property.Name, attrbs);

    // create the serializer
    XmlSerializer xml = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SerializableObjectChildTwo), overrides);

    // serialize it
    using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(fs))
        xml.Serialize(tw, s);

Interestingly, if I add the GenericSerializable attribute to the List property in SerializableObjectChildTwo, it behaves as expected. The issue is that for some reason, Test is getting serialized despite the fact that I added attrbs.XmlIgnore = true, and TypeIndicator is not getting serialized despite the fact that I added it explicitly to the XmlAttributeOverrides.

Am I using the overrides incorrectly? I don't need any fancy XML schemas or anything, I just want public properties to be serialized/not serialized based on the presence or absence of my custom property.

Thanks in advance.


  • You have a few problems here:

    1. When adding overrides for a property using XmlAttributeOverrides.Add (Type, String, XmlAttributes), the type passed in must be the declaring type for the property, not the derived type being serialized.

      E.g. to suppress Test when serializing SerializableObjectChildTwo the type must be SerializableObjectChildOne.

    2. The property TypeIndicator is not serialized because it does not have a public setter. As explained in Why are properties without a setter not serialized, in most cases a member must be publicly readable and writable to be serialized with XmlSerializer.

    3. That being said, a get-only collection property can be serialized by XmlSerializer. This is explained, albeit unclearly, in Introducing XML Serialization:

      XML serialization does not convert methods, indexers, private fields, or read-only properties (except read-only collections). To serialize all an object's fields and properties, both public and private, use the DataContractSerializer instead of XML serialization.

      (Here read-only collection actually means read-only, pre-allocated collection property.)

      This explains why the List property is serialized despite being get-only.

    4. You should cache the serializer to avoid a memory leak as explained in Memory Leak using StreamReader and XmlSerializer.

    Putting all this together, you can construct a serializer for SerializableObjectChildTwo using the following extension method:

    public static class SerializableObjectBaseExtensions
        static readonly Dictionary<Type, XmlSerializer> serializers = new Dictionary<Type, XmlSerializer>();
        static readonly object padlock = new object();
        public static XmlSerializer GetSerializer<TSerializable>(TSerializable obj) where TSerializable : SerializableObjectBase, new()
            return GetSerializer(obj == null ? typeof(TSerializable) : obj.GetType());
        public static XmlSerializer GetSerializer<TSerializable>() where TSerializable : SerializableObjectBase, new()
            return GetSerializer(typeof(TSerializable));
        static XmlSerializer GetSerializer(Type serializableType)
            lock (padlock)
                XmlSerializer serializer;
                if (!serializers.TryGetValue(serializableType, out serializer))
                    serializer = serializers[serializableType] = CreateSerializer(serializableType);
                return serializer;
        static XmlSerializer CreateSerializer(Type serializableType)
            XmlAttributeOverrides overrides = new XmlAttributeOverrides();
            for (var declaringType = serializableType; declaringType != null && declaringType != typeof(object); declaringType = declaringType.BaseType)
                // check whether each property has the custom attribute
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in declaringType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance))
                    XmlAttributes attrbs = new XmlAttributes();
                    // if it has the attribute, tell the overrides to serialize this property
                    // property.IsDefined is faster than actually creating and returning the attribute
                    if (property.IsDefined(typeof(GenericSerializableAttribute), true))
                        Console.WriteLine("Adding " + property.Name + "");
                        attrbs.XmlElements.Add(new XmlElementAttribute(property.Name));
                        // otherwise, ignore the property
                        Console.WriteLine("Ignoring " + property.Name + "");
                        attrbs.XmlIgnore = true;
                    // add this property to the list of overrides
                    overrides.Add(declaringType, property.Name, attrbs);
            // create the serializer
            return new XmlSerializer(serializableType, overrides);

    Working .Net fiddle here.