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Symfony 4 translation

I've been trying to work with this:

But seems like no one have any problems with the translations, I must get it totally wrong.

My locale is set to 'fr' in 'services.yaml'

I have my message.en.xlf and

Here is my .fr:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
    <file source-language="en" target-language="fr" datatype="plaintext" original="file.ext">
            <trans-unit id="homepage_presta">
                <target>Les prestations</target>

Been trying in controller (getting "missing translation key" warning):


or in twig:

{{ 'homepage.presta'|trans }}  

But nothing is working.. In the end I would like to translate to the right language depending on the browser language, then to some lang if selected in the navbar (like in a cookie ?).


  • /**
     * @Route("/test/translation")
    public function translationAction(TranslatorInterface $translator)
        return new Response('<html><body>testaroni</body></html>');

    works for me... a few things...

    1. the default translation domain is messages not message so your file should be translations/

    2. I'm not used to xlf but it seems you have to use <source>homepage.presta</source> for your translation not the id homepage_presta

    3. Don't forget to clear your cache every time you create a new translation file php bin/console cache:clear