Premise: I am a beginner in search for an easy way to send bug reports from users over sea.
I've made a script for some friends that are living on the other side of the sea (US - EUROPE)... I will like to gather automatic bug reports whenever they happen. So my first idea was to send myself an email with the smtplib module
. It works fine when testing home, but as soon as the sender "sends", my email provider (gmail) blocks the connection because of course, its from an "unknown device". I've already enabled "Allow less secure apps" as someone suggested but with no avail.
What I am searching its a simple way of dealing with this.
Yes I could make the script to ignore the error if the email its not being sent, and then go into my google account and enable those devices so at least it will work from the second run.. But it doesn't seem what a programmer would do in this case. I am learning so a solution withing the language is what I am after.
A different provider that has no restriction its also a good start but I tried Yahoo, Live, Yandex but I couldn't make them work. Are there any?
So my question is: how others do? what is the best solution for some one like me?
I've read about sentry or other error/bug tracking but its obviously way too much for want I need
I understand that this is not the way to go but as for my needs and my level of experience it works for me!
Yandex allows you to send email from different ip so Yandex is the way to go. What I was doing wrong in the first place was to use the wrong port (587 instead of 465)