I'm using the tx_news extension for Typo3. Therefore I'd like to disable some settings that are not used on my page, for instance categories:
I've already disabled them in the PageTS for the records like this:
tx_news_domain_model_news {
categories.disabled = 1
Removed them from the administration filters and columns:
tx_news {
module {
columns = istopnews,datetime,author
filters {
categories = 0
categoryConjunction = 0
includeSubCategories = 0
Now I'd also like to disable them in the plugin settings when adding the plugin to the page. in the BackendUtility.php I found the following lines who will do that for me (notice I've added categories categoryConjunction,..):
public $removedFieldsInListView = [
'sDEF' => 'dateField,singleNews,previewHiddenRecords,selectedList,categories,categoryConjunction,includeSubCategories',
'additional' => '',
'template' => ''
Of course like this I've already disabled the categories, but by directly editing the extension instead of overriding it from my own extension, that means when I update tx_news I will lose that configuration.
What $GLOBALS[TCA].. stuff do I have to add to get the same result? I can't find anything in the backend debugging...
I'm searching something like (or some TypoScript stuff if possible):
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_news_domain_model_news']['plugin']['backendUtility'][removeFieldsInListView]= 'bla, blabla, bla';
I appreciate all the help!
Have you tried some TsConfig like that
tt_content {
pi_flexform {
news_pi1 {
sDEF {
# Important is the escaping of the dot which is part of the fieldname
settings\.orderBy.disabled = 1